Kay Kaelin Gallery


About Kay Kaelin

Kay Kaelin

Fairfax native and pop-surrealism ink and digital artist who customizes canvas, shoes, backpacks, skateboards, guitars, and just about anything with a surface.

Kay Kaelin was born and raised in Fairfax City, Virginia. She always had a love of art since her early school days. It wasn’t until high school that she discovered the beginnings of her style. It began as a simple doodle in her high school agenda that blossomed into what it is today. She was encouraged to explore her style in several different mediums. She has created works physically, using ink, digitally, using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and in 3D, using Blender.

“I often call my work my ‘beautiful catastrophes’ because when you look at them, they can be overwhelming and look like a mess. But when you take a step closer and really examine the fine details, you see the underlying beauty. I believe the same about life.” - Kay Kaelin

 Exhibitions: Juried solo show, the Workhouse Arts Center, Lorton, VA, 22079

 Web: https://www.kaykaeart.com/